Typically this path of the year consists of me, testing my system lymphatic ("metabolism") was online. Maybe l'll do this again this year maybe I won't. Reminder to you all and reminder myself: just remember to focus on your breathing most the other problems will sort themselves out.
Lot of people feeling over-the-weather right now. They're saying it is E. coli which very well have some truth to it. Typically the temperatures are different than they were this year. Apart of shredding that beings do (with skin & hair) is internal shedding. We have different type of cleansing mechanisms. So your "sickness" may or may not be your body trying rid of bacteria (biotics) that benefited you during the summer & fall. Microbiology is quite deep, of we know that probiotics (biotic food/ benefactors) are real. We know that they are approved by health officials then, let's slow down to understand them. Prebiotics kill and get rid of all bacteria. Something that on its surface sounds cool and agreeable. Let's ask a.i. though: what would happen if i killed 90% or more of the bacteria in my body?

The Natural question to ask following this is why are germs demonized? The real answer is to keep you from taking control of your health. Are we Sick or Swimming haha. Things like this like this lead you into understanding raw diets more (on both ends of the spectrum), kefir, things picked foods. I hope you learned something or found a better way to explain these concepts. Stay conscious my friends!!
Joshua Harris
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